Worship Ministry

We love worshipping Jesus!

He has given us life, abundant and eternal, and deserves the very best from us.

We have a great worship team that includes the band, the media team, our greeters, communion ushers and a congregation that gathers in anticipation of the presence of God.



To create an atmosphere where Christ is celebrated every time His people gather.

We value the traditions of our faith. This includes spoken traditions and traditional hymns that have been passed down through the generations. These have held and instructed our faith for so many years and are valuable for us today. (1 Cor 11:1-2)

We value the new songs. There is so much being written in honor of the Lord today and we love celebrating Him through new creativity. This obviously includes new songs, but also includes those who have the gift of praising God through new technology. (Ps 33:1-4)